Bacteriological Sampling in Upper Perdido Bay Watershed - June 26, 2007

A fecal coliform count of over 200 bacteria/100 mls of water indicates the water may be unsafe for swimming.

A total coliform count over 2,400 bacteria/100 mls of water indicates swimming may be unsafe

Samples were collected on June 26, 2007 and analyzed by STL laboratories in Pensacola, FL. The rainfall had been below normal up to the date of sampling

Location Total Coliform - #/100 mls water Fecal Coliform - #/100 mls water
Perdido River at mouth 370 less than 1
Perdido River at Mobile Hwy. 630 33
Perdido River at Muscogee Road 280 27
Eleven Mile Creek at Mouth 530 47
Eleven Mile Creek at Mobile Hwy 4,300 590
Eleven Mile Creek at Hwy. 297A 3,200 100
Bayou Marcus at Mouth 330 67
Bayou Marcus at Blue Angel Parkway 1,800 110
Heron Bayou at mouth 280 less than 1
Heron Bayou at Hwy 98 8,100 33
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